Corporate philosophy
As an international family business, values and standards are of great importance to us in our dealings with employees, customers and the social environment.
We have been in the pallet industry for more than two decades. These years of experience and comprehensive expertise enable us to successfully solve any type of problem.
We see our responsibility in the areas of economy, society as well as environment and shape them proactively.
Our process-oriented workflow organization is applied internationally.
Our philosophy is based on a cooperative management style and great trust in our employees. We pay attention to social responsibility, ecological and economic thinking for sustainable success. Quality is important to us and we strive for continuous improvement.
Our corporate philosophy is successfully lived by us and our partners.
Your family Brekner

Our team
Our team is made up of various specialists with a wide range of talents and personalities.
The mixture of this is our success and brings us closer to our customers. Our team is as colorful as the beautiful world we live in – that’s what makes us special – we call it the Brekner Effect – benefit from the Brekner Effect and we will inspire you too.

Franziska Brekner
Authorized signatory / payment transactions - financial accounting

Carlos Brekner
Authorized signatory / Planning - Sales

A good and successful company is characterized by the performance and identification of its employees with the company. Sustainable human resources management has always accompanied our company successfully and is also an essential component for our successful future.

Corporate values
Our corporate values provide orientation for our daily actions and behavior.
Implementation is our strength.
We always give the best for our customers. - OPENNESS
We make topics transparent and address things openly!
What we say, we keep. - RESPECTFUL COOPERATION
We are a large team and consider the impact of our own work on others.
Openness and respect for our customers and our employees is an essential corporate value that I value and that my managers have also conveyed to me.
Only by working together can we be successful and treat each other with respect.
Quality has a high priority at Brekner Paletten Logistik GmbH. We are continuously working on improving our products and convincing our customers in the long term. Our products and operations are continuously audited internally and externally through our defined processes.
We attach great importance to effective complaint management to improve customer satisfaction.
A functioning complaints management system is an important component in our company to sustainably improve customer satisfaction.

Environmental management ensures the environmental compatibility of products and processes as well as the behavior of employees. It includes environmental policy, environmental protection, environmental performance and compliance with legal requirements. Our products are recycled and we are committed to environmental improvement projects.
Kontaktieren Sie uns!
Brekner Pallet Logistics GmbH
Voralpenstraße 41, A-3351 Weistrach
Tel.: +43 7477 42234-0, Fax: DW -56